At Allied Barton, our employees are our “internal customers.” We strive every day to empower them to be the very best they can be, so they in turn, perform at the highest level. The result of our philosophy is a low security officer turnover rate, which allows us to supply our customers with a higher overall level of service and a consistent security officer staff.

  • Recruiting

Attracting quality people is a critical component to providing quality security officer services. We offer competitive wages and benefits in order to attract and retain the best people.

  • Screening

A successful security program is directly related to the quality of its employees. Our comprehensive approach to screening and hiring helps ensure we employ only the best-qualified people.

  • In-Person Interview

Candidates are given the chance to demonstrate their personality, as well as interpersonal and communication skills.

  • Customer Care

An extensive management support system ensures that you receive the attention and responsiveness you deserve.